That Accounts for Red Haired People
& The Dark-Skinned People with Nappy Hair
Until the Lion tells His Own story, the tale of the Hunt will Always Glorify the Hunter.
Poseidonia is an ancient city in southern Italy near the west coast, 22 miles southeast of modern Salerno and 5 miles south of the Sele (ancient Silarus) River. Paestum is noted for its splendidly preserved Greek temples. Poseidonia was probably founded about 600 B.C. by Greek colonists from Sybaris, along the Gulf of Taranto, and it had become a flourishing town by 540; judging from its temples.
After many years' resistance the city came under the domination of the Lucanians (an indigenous Etruscan or Black Gaul people) sometime before 400 BC, after which its name was changed to Paestum.
Alexander, the king of Epirus, defeated the Lucanians at Paestum about 332 BC, but the city remained Lucanian until 273, when it came under Roman rule and a Latin colony was founded there. The city supported Rome during the Second Punic War.
The locality was still prosperous during the early years of the Roman Empire, but the gradual silting up of the mouth of the Silarus River eventually created a malarial swamp, and Paestum was finally deserted after being sacked by Muslim raiders in 871 A.D. The abandoned site's remains were rediscovered in the 18th century.
The ancient Greek part of Paestum consists of two sacred areas containing three Doric temples in a remarkable state of preservation. During the ensuing Roman period a typical forum and town layout grew up between the two ancient Greek sanctuaries.
Of the three temples, the Temple of Athena (the so-called Temple of Ceres) and the Temple of Hera I (the so-called Basilica) date from the 6th century B.C, while the Temple of Hera II (the so-called Temple of Neptune) was probably built about 460 B.C. and is the best preserved of the three.
The Temple of Peace in the forum is a Corinthian-Doric building begun perhaps in the 2nd century B.C. Traces of a Roman amphitheatre and other buildings, as well as intersecting main streets, have also been found. The circuit of the town walls, which are built of travertine blocks and are 15–20 feet thick, is about 3 miles in circumference. In July 1969 a farmer uncovered an ancient Lucanian tomb that contained Greek frescoes painted in the early classical style. Paestum's archaeological museum contains these and other treasures from the site. Below are Frescoes from Lucanian Tombs.
It started with the Moors in Rome--Septimus Severus
Black rulership of the Roman Empire begins in 193 A.D.
with African born, Roman Emperor Septimus Severus. There were four other Black emperors after the Severus dynasty.
Hannibal, the father of military strategy, performed the astounding feat of
crossing the Alps on elephants in 218 B.C. With only 26,000 of his
original force of 82,000 troops remaining, Hannibal defeated Rome, the mightiest
military power of the age, who had a million men, in every battle for the next
fifteen years. His tactics are still taught in leading military academies
of the U.S., Europe & other lands.
Black ruler ship was widespread in Europe during the “Dark” & Middle Ages!
Black Knights van de Roundtable (Het echte verhaal van Koning Arthur)
The original “knights” of England were Black! --including the knights of King Arthur’s Round Table!
That’s why they were called “knights” after the night or darkness of their skin. -
the myths and origins were also African...
The Round table is really the Zodiac - but more on this later.
Have you ever really wondered what it means by the "Dark Ages"???
It's where they ripped out the pages of our true history.
King Arthur (Osiris/Ausar) : You may try to kill and destroy me... but you'll never destroy the ideals of Camelot! (Kemet/KMT)
~Camelot is KMT~
Here's the history
Any comprehensive account of the African presence in early Europe should include England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Scandinavia. The history and legends of Scotland confirm the existence of "purely Black people." We see one of them in the person of Kenneth the Niger. During the tenth century Kenneth the Niger ruled over three provinces in the Scottish Highlands.
Lusius QuietusLXXIX - Nerva en Trajanus (96-117)
Een Moorse Chief, Lusius Quietus, zijn snelle rijders kop, met inbegrip van kleine paarden dikke manen doen denken aan Numidische paarden, schiet verkenning in de bossen rond de hoofdstad van de Daciërs, Sarmizegetusa.
African Pygmies?
Legends around the world, from Ireland to Japan speak of the earliest inhabitants of their land as being "small blacks" or "dark dwarfs." The original Irish "leprechauns" were in fact, pygmies! The ancient Egyptians spoke of the "Twa people" -small brown men who were early inhabitants on earth. Presenting a fascinating account of Lemuria & Atlantis.
An African king named Gormund ruled Ireland during the Anglo-Saxon period in England reports the medieval historian Geoffrey of Monmouth.
Halfdan the Black was the first Africoid king to unite Norway.
When the British Isles were invaded by the Vikings some of these Norse raiders were Africoid. In fact, different varieties of ‘Viking’ Africans lived in Scandinavia during the middle ages and are frequently mentioned in Viking sagas.
There were Black Huns! The dictionary describes the Huns as “a fierce barbaric race of Asiatic nomads who led by Attila, ravaged Europe I the 4th and 5th centuries A.D.” The Gothic writer Jordannes described their infamous leader, Attila the Hun as having “a flat nose and swarthy complexion.” He describes the types of Huns he had seen as “of dark complexion, almost black... broad shoulder, flat noses and small eyres.”
The African Moors dominated southwest Europe during the Middle Ages for 700 years: 711-1492 A.D. African Moors ruling southwest Europe centuries, darkened whites in this area, especially Portal, which was “the first example of a Negrito (African) republic in Europe?"
Moors ruling Scotland in the 10th century mixed with whites until the black skin color disappeared.
(1744 - 1818)
Charlotte Sophia - Wife
King George III
Black Celts (Silures) & Black Vikings vexed with the Scandinavia people. A prominent Viking of the eleventh century was Thorhall, who was aboard the ship that carried the early Vikings to the shores of North America. Thorhall was "the huntsman in summer and in winter the steward of Eric the Red. He was a large man and strong, black, and like a giant, silent, and foul-mouthed in his speech, and always egged on Eric to the worst; he was a bad Christian."
Another Viking, more notable than Thorhall, was Earl Thorfinn, "the most distinguished of all the earls in the Islands." Thorfinn ruled over nine earldoms in Scotland and Ireland, and died at the age of seventy-five. His widow married the king of Scotland. Thorfinn was described as "one of the largest men in point of stature, and ugly, sharp featured, and somewhat tawny, and the most martial looking man. It has been related that he was the foremost of all his men."
The black blood type is common even in Nordic Europe where intermixing has been happening since antiquity.
Black slavery lasted in England for about 400 years (1440-1834), during which time much intermixing occurred.
According to RUNOKO RASHIDI, Ancient African people, sometimes called Moors, are known to have had a significant presence and influence in early Rome. African soldiers, specifically identified as Moors, were actively recruited for Roman military service and were stationed in Britain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Romania. Many of these Africans rose to high rank. Lusius Quietus, for example, was one of Rome's greatest generals and was named by Roman Emperor Trajan (98-117 C.E.) as his successor. Quietus is described as a "man of Moorish race and considered the ablest soldier in the Roman army.
Lusius Quietus
I turned around and saw a marvelous bust of Septimius Severus. And then I saw busts and statues of Septimius' two sons--Geta and Caracalla and they all looked Africoid too, some more so than others. I had stumbled (or was I divinely led?) into a room that I had no prior knowledge of filled with these images of African looking Roman emperors!
This dynasty, known to historians as the Severan Dynasty, began with the accession to the throne of Septimius Severus in 193 C.E. In actuality, Septimius shared the throne for two years with a certain Pesennius Niger. Indeed, could Pesennius Niger, another of Rome's outstanding military commanders, himself have been an African? His name certainly indicates the possibility.
Records state that Septimius was born in Leptis Magna on the North African coast (modern day Libya) on April 11, 146 C.E. And Septimius was not just born in Africa. Numerous pictures, busts and statues of him show him to be Black.
Young Septimius, coming from a family of Romanized Africans, received a education rooted in Roman literature and quickly learned to speak Latin. After his formal education was completed he adopted an official career and became a civil magistrate. Later, he became a military commander, and this took him to Rome where he proved himself an able and popular and conscious military leader. He is even said to have built a marble tomb for Hannibal Barca--early Rome's African nemesis.
Among other things, Septimius had a mighty arch constructed in the Roman Forum and even journeyed back to Africa, including Egypt, around 203 C.E. Can you imagine Emperor Septimius sailing on the Nile? Imagine what he might have thought as he gazed at the pyramids and walked through the Karnak and Luxor temples.
After a distinguished career often characterized by one military exploit after another, Septimius died conducting yet another military campaign, this one in York in Britain, on February 4, 211 C. E. at the age of sixty-five, after a reign of seventeen years, eight months and three days..
Septimius Severus was succeeded in 211 by his sons Lucius Septimius Geta (211-212 C.E.) and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus aka Caracalla (211-217 C.E.). They were in turn followed by Marcus Opellius Macrinus (217-218 C.E.) and Heliogabalus (218-222 C. E.), and then Severus Alexander (222-235 C.E.), with whose reign the dynasty culminated and who restored the Roman Coliseum to its ancient status.
This line is known as the Severan Dynasty and the National Roman Museum busts and statues and sculptures of the representatives of this dynasty strongly testify to their African identity. They are powerful images and like the statues and busts and sculptures of ancient Egypt I found the noses missing on all of them save one of Septimius' son Caracalla. And the face adorning the bust of Severus Alexander, the last member of the dynasty, is even more Africoid looking than that of Septimius Severus, the dynasty's founder.
32,000 BC Venus of Willendorf figurines carved.
1897 BC Egyptian King Senwosret colonizes Greece and founded Athens.
690 BC Nubian Taharka leads force into Spain.
202 BC Carthaginian Hannibal defeats Rome.
256 BC - AD 253 Thousands of Africans serve in Roman Army.
AD 711-1492 Islamic Africans invade and rule Spain.
AD 827 Moors begin invasion of Sicily and Rome
The Venus of Willendorf figurines are some of the oldest carvings in Europe. Dating back to the Upper Paleolithic, around 32,000 BC, they are found in countries such as Austria and France.
The ancient Mediterranean has long been home to Africans. In ancient Greece Africans figured prominently into many aspects of society and contact between the two groups was frequent. Black types can be found as early as Minoan Crete and are mentioned frequently in later Grecian writings. The Greek historian Herodotus stated, "Almost all of the names of the gods came into Greece from Egypt...The Egyptians were the first to introduce solemn assemblies, processions, and litanies to the gods, all of which the Greeks were taught to use." The relationship of several Greek deities to African deities has long been noted. Examples include the following: Athena to Neith; Hermes to Thoth; Hesphatus to Ptah. It is also Herodotus who tells us of the legend which lists the Egyptian king Sewosret (Seosteris I, II, or III) as the colonizer of Greece and founder of Athens.
By 1507 there were numerous Moors at the Court of King James IV of Scotland. One of them was "Helenor in the Court Accounts, possibly Ellen More, who reached Edinburgh by way of the port of Leith and acted a principal role in 'the turnament of the black knight and the black lady,' in which the king of Scotland played the part of the black knight." Ellen More incidentally is also called "Black Elen." There were at least two other Black Moorish women of the royal court who held positions of some status as they are said to have held maidservants and expensive gowns. There is also mention of a "Nageir the More." In 1501 one of the King's Minstrels was Peter the Moryen or Moor who is described as Black. Frederick II (1197-1250), of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, maintained a close relationship with the remaining Moors in Sicily. A descendant of the Black Moors ruled Spain for 700 years.
The term Hyksos has come to refer to the whole of these people who ruled Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt's ancient history, and had to be driven out of the land by the last ruler of the 17th Dynasty and the earliest ruler of Egypt's New Kingdom.
ABOUT two thousand years before Christ, Egypt was conquered by the invasion of a nomadic horde from Asia, whom the native Egyptians afterward called in hate and derision the Hyksos or "shepherd kings." These Hyksos ruled for four centuries without ever becoming really united with the Egyptians. The power of the invaders was constantly recruited by the coming of other Asiatic nomads, whom they naturally welcomed as allies. Most celebrated of these additions to their number was that of the "children of Israel.
Perhaps the Hyksos sovereign-in whose time the Hebrew shepherd lad, Joseph, was brought as a slave into Egypt-was the Set-ah-peti of whom a later monarch speaks as ruling about this time, and being a mighty king favored by the gods. We cannot, however, speak fully of those days; for in after years the Egyptians destroyed every record they could find of the hated Hyksos.
Kassites? Aramaeans? Amorites? Hapiru?
The Hyksos were surely the Biblical Midianites,
i.e. Palestinians. According to the Bible, Moses took the daughter of their King as a wife. The five Midianite kings of the five cities were according to the Bible - destroyed by Moses for their allegiance with the Moabites.
These are the kings Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba and these are the Hyksos kings Scheschi, Apopi II, Apopi I, Chian and Jakobher on the Egyptian hieroglyphs as the Hyksos Kings.
Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution and a historic perspective Abstract
HLA genes allele distribution has been studied in Mediterranean and sub-Saharan populations. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The population genetic relationships have been compared with the history of the classical populations living in the area. A revision of the historic postulates would have to be undertaken, particularly in the cases when genetics and history are overtly discordant. HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and West Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers.
The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B. C.). 2) Turks (Anatolians) do not significantly differ from other Mediterranean’s, indicating that while the Asians Turks carried out an invasion with cultural significance (language), it is not genetically detectable. 3) Kurds and Armenians are genetically very close to Turks and other Middle East populations. 4) There is no HLA genetic trace of the so called Aryan invasion, which has only been defined on doubtful linguistic bases. 5) Iberians, including Basques, are related to north-African Berbers. 6) Present-day Algerian and Moroccan urban and country people show an indistinguishable Berber HLA profile.
Example: The Ethiopian Jews are Haplogroup A at 41%. This haplogroup is the earliest human haplogroups of people living on Earth. These men are the closest to ADAM. The Bible suggests in Genesis [Hebrew=Bereshith] and elsewhere that Eden was along the Nile River. Therefore, it would make sense that this earliest Y chromosome haplogroup would be found in Sudan and Egypt.
The existential problem of evil is essentially reflected in the story of Job in the Old Testament. How can God be almighty, while responsible for the evil in the world? There are three possibilities that can not be true. (1) God is omnipotent and the cause of everything in the world. (2) God is good and just, and makes it prospereth good and the bad punished. (3) Job is a good man. If your option (1) dropped (God Almighty), you'll sooner or later the immanent image of God since the sixties in theology has made entrance. But the devil is an impotent God separated? Or rather: what is the place of evil in a world where there is no room for the devil? Even if God has disappeared entirely from the world, the problem of evil existence.
The French philosopher Rene Girard is a violent mechanism at the basis of civilization. That violent mechanism, in the biblical story of Job is expressed, have an anthropological oerfenomeen see. It is the mechanism of the scapegoat, the collective expulsion, which in a strange way connected with such phenomena as "holy" and "redemption". "Vox populi, vox dei. the voice of the people is the voice of God but the God of the victim the same as that of the persecutors? Is the formation of an idol is not necessarily linked to the bad conscience of a community? The foundation deed of that community are not intrinsic to the elimination of evil, that its place in the image of a good God? But was that God originally right? Was the scapegoat in origin or evil? The united force of the group transfigures in the appearance of a God, but what was good and what was bad before this appearance there was?
The problem lies not beyond good and evil, as Nietzsche thought, but for the good of evil was separated. In the eyes of Job Girard was in fact the alleged tyrant who was expelled by the community, making the start of the culture became possible. The scapegoat is an idol destroyed. It's a god who suddenly fell out of favor with the crowd. Public opinion has turned and the mimetic violence has taken hold in the crowd. In this culture, founding sacrifice of the scapegoat is not only the source of theology, but of civilized man. A community finds the collective violence as sacred, if violence is used against a victim whose innocence can no longer manifest, precisely because of the unanimity with which the collective force is exerted. This is a mechanism whose importance is often misunderstood.
According to Girard, this oerfenomeen the scapegoat of the blind spot forms, which not only theology but also in humans afflicted with science. Religion is a factor in the construction of stabilserende the werkeljkheid, because there is something fundamentally wrong, not only in the cosmos, but also in the human condition. The violence must be eliminated in the ritual of sacrifice, that every religion is based. Shows the scapegoat, "the ancient path of the wicked, but also the way of glare. "Anyone who calls forth its own holiness force is unable to see the truth." The savage ecstasy with which the evil is eradicated, making anyone who participates blind.
Heliopolis (ancient Egypt) (Greek, city of the sun), the city of ancient Egypt, the center of sun worship during the pre-Christian Egyptian civilization. The ruins of the city, 8 km (5 km) east of the River Nile at the top of the Nile delta, and about 10 km (about 6 miles) northeast of Cairo. Heliopolis was originally the center of the worship of the god Tem, the god of sun, later considered a form of the sun god Ra. In the Egyptian theological literature, the city was known as Per-Ra (City of Ra), whose name is a Greek translation. In the Bible, known as Heliopolis On, Aven, and Beth Shemesh.
Although its history goes as far back as about 2900 BC, the city reached its greatest development in the New Kingdom, beginning around 1570 BC, when Ra, later called Amon-Ra, came to be regarded as the supreme god of the Egyptian pantheon. The framework of the pharaoh Ramses II during the 13th century BC, the temple of Heliopolis reached the peak of its influence, with nearly 13,000 priests and slaves in the. Most of the religious literature of ancient Egypt was written by the priests of Heliopolis, who were known for their learning, and the temple was the repository of royal records. The city declined under later dynasties, especially after the founding of Alexandria (332 BC), and the Ptolemies was almost ignored. When Rome occupied Egypt, the obelisks of Heliopolis were removed and the walls of the buildings were used as building material for other cities.
Reunion of Both Aspects of Your Soul at Zero Point.
AFRIKAN-CENTERED SBAYT: Education for Liberation
Chapter 11
“Egypt was the cradle of mathematics.” Aristotle.
The Nile River Valley’s ancient past is a product of Afrikan development and migrations into that area. The Nile has been fed for thousands of years from inner Afrika, the Great Lakes region of Central-East (especially DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania) and the Highlands of Ethiopia. The first Humans in the world came from this part of Afrika. The Afrikan people who populated the greater Nile Valley came from these regions and West from the Sahara. They brought civilization with them into the Nile, and they also brought the mathematics that they later developed even further after the founding of dynastic Tawi (Ancient Egypt or the Two-Lands).
The Nile Valley would be the parent cultural cradle of Afrika. I refer the reader to Diop’s essay “Peopling of Africa from the Nile Valley” in The African Origin of Civilization. In and around this region was the parent location of Afrikans, humanity, civilization, and mathematics. My first introduction to Afrikan mathematics came by way of the great Cheikh Anta Diop in Civilization or Barbarism. Further, I was profoundly impressed with the subject of Afrikan mathematics from the works of Beatrice Lumpkin and convinced that math, like all the subjects of learning, had been told through a false European view of the world that was not accurate and intentionally falsified to bolster European supremacy.
It is through this European supremacist view of education that children are incorrectly taught math and all of the subject areas. This, I maintain, is one of the key reasons why children of Afrikan descent perform poorly in school. Children are taught about great Europeans who created math, the “Father of Geometry” as Euclid is known, or the “Father of Algebra” as Diophantus is known, or the “Father of Numerology” as Pythagoras is known. The fact is that geometry, algebra, and numerology all existed before the Greeks had the most vague understanding of mathematics.
As much and more will be explained in the following pages. Children, and adults in universities, are taught or indirectly left with the impression that Greeks fathered, not only math, but science, philosophy, and all areas of knowledge. The Greeks were latecomers in the history of mathematics; indeed the Greeks were latecomers in the history of world civilization that sprang up in the Nile Valley and later in the Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and China before entering Europe. From the current educational system, we are left to believe that civilization started with the Greeks and spread to Afrika very late with the era of slavery.
This is altogether false. As all cultures and peoples have, the Greeks did make some contributions to mathematics, but the Greek contributions to mathematics was built from an Afrikan foundation before and during the Library of Alexandria period in Egypt where many of the great “Greek” mathematicians went and studied. It is significant to note that the ancient scholars associated with the Library of Alexandria are all assumed to be Greek merely, it seems, because they made a contribution to some filed of knowledge and wrote in Greek. The fact is that the identity of many of the philosophers is not clear in the least. Instead of doing guesswork about racial identity, I want to focus on Afrikan mathematics. In fact, before the building of this library, Greeks were already studying Afrikan math and other subjects in this Afrikan nation. The Greeks never claimed to be “Fathers” of math, science, history, or philosophy. Those fatherhood titles were given in later times. However, the Greeks didn’t always give credit to the Afrikans of the Nile who taught them mathematical and knowledge otherwise. Consider the following quote from Basil Davidson in Egypt Revisited:
The philosophers and mathematicians were in full agreement. Pythagoras spent no fewer than twenty-one years in Egypt. Aristotle said that “Egypt was the cradle of mathematics.” Eudoxus, Aristotle’s teacher and a foremost mathematician of his time, had likewise studied in Egypt before teaching in Greece. Isokrates and Plato were profoundly influenced by Egyptian philosophy. Euclid, again, learned mathematics in Egypt before applying them elsewhere. And who could be surprised? For the pyramids and temples of the Nile were not built by guesswork or rule of thumb. They were built by the use of mathematical propositions which the Egyptians had discovered and proven. How otherwise could it have come about that the difference in length between the shortest base-side of the Great Pyramid at Gizeh (c2600BC) and the longest side (756.08 [feet]) is no more than a staggeringly 7.9 inches? Herodotus and the men of his time did not know this, but they did know that the Great Pyramid was only one of innumerable mathematical marvels to be found in the land of the Pharaohs (44).
Mathematics is not an invention as much as it is a realization of what already existed, the realization of phenomena, the manipulation of numbers to arrive at solutions to known and unknown figures, and the calculations of shapes. All cultures have made contributions to the progress of mathematics. Lumpkin states: “Any unprejudiced view of world history must acknowledge that many different people and races on every continent have made great mathematical discoveries” (Blacks in Science, “Africa in the Mainstream of Mathematics History,” 101). Still, as Lumpkin would agree from her research, Afrika led the world in mathematics for thousands and thousands of years, and the foundations for much of what is taught in math is from the Nile Valley.
This brief essay will focus on the Afrikan KMT/Tawi foundations of mathematics, as it was from the Nile Valley that mathematics shed its light on the Old World by way of the KMT mathematicians and later the Library of Alexandria, a library based on a massive collection of Afrikan writings. Yet, this essay’s focus will be on the development of mathematics prior to the Library of Alexandria, that is the foundation knowledge of the library. The focus of this essay will be on Tawi, beginning from the very conservative estimate of the first dynasty of at least -3200. For dating purposes, BC and AD (Before Christ and anno Domini) will not be used. Nor will use be made of BCE and ACE (Before the Common Era and After the Common Era). Instead - or + years will be used. For example, instead of 3200 BC, or 3200 BCE, it will be found as -3200. Instead of 1000 AD, or 1000 ACE, it will be found as +1000.
Ars Ast Hru
The focus of the essay will deal primarily with the mathematics of the pre-Dynastic and Old Kingdom period (what is also known as the First Golden Age from the First through the Sixth Dynasties). The mathematical concepts later used in Kemet had their origins in this early period. Witness of this is the architectural and mathematical achievements of the early period, which were in ways never surpassed by later Dynasties, in ways never surpassed by any nations up to this day. The Great Pyramids of Giza are still marveled at in their ruin like no other pyramids in the world. They were a much more wonderful sight when they were encased in polished and shining limestone, tipped with the ben-ben stones, with a complex of fine buildings and smaller pyramids around them thousands of years ago. Millions and millions of extremely massive bricks went into the construction of these monuments. It is supported by evidence that mathematics were essential in the building process from the precision of the architecture, astronomical and Earthly alignments, tools and records found in Kemet, inner and underground chambers.
Early Afrikan Nile Valley Civilization
There is some agreement on the definition of civilization. Most scholars seem to believe that civilizations originated in settled communities that developed complex trades or occupations among the residents. These settled communities were able to develop high arts, sciences, and writing. Many scholars place the beginning of civilization at the advent of writing. By either of these definitions, the Afrikan Nile Valley is the seat of civilization.
Amenemet front
However, we have been operating from a limited and Western definition of civilization that employs a vocabulary with such terms as “pre-modern,” “primitive,” and “savage.” Civilization implies a level of cooperation among people, and the conscious attainment and passing on of knowledge to further survival. Civilization implies a higher order of thinking and acting, regardless of technological advancement or the existence of writing. It is always amazing when cultures are defined as civilized who systematically bomb innocent people, wage wars, enslave, colonize, and commit genocides. My position is that the first Humans on Earth were civilized. How and why can a group be classified as being Human, but not yet civilized, especially people who lived in peaceful and developing communities.
Nubian King Taharqa at the height of his power.
This definition of civilization accepted by most scholars is a product of Western influenced thought. It is more sensible to speak of early civilizations and written civilizations than to speak of “primitive” and “preliterate cultures.” In fact, the ability to write can be less skillful than certain functions in early civilizations that existed before writing; such as astronomy which involves the observations of the heavens over countless generations, or medicinal herbology which involves a vast knowledge of healing properties found in plants, roots, bark, and other vegetations from Nature. It is senseless to argue that mathematics or civilization did not originate in Afrika. Most scholars avoid or juggle with this debate. The first Humans in the world originated in Afrika at least 100,000 to 150,000 years ago, and there they began to develop the first early civilizations in the world. To the dismay of some, Afrika is the only continent where the entire chain of Human evolution can be traced back to pre-Human hominids. There in Afrika, Humans first lived in small communities where they began to observe the skies and bury their deceased.
Oude Nubiërs onder koning Piye de aanval op de grote ommuurde hoofdstad van Memphis in Neder-Egypte in 730 voor Christus
For thousands of years, they observed the changing seasons and the sun’s daily passing across the sky. They saw the blossoming of certain flowers, plants, and trees that would yield fruit and other foods. Many of the communities studied the migrating patterns of animals and knew where the most successful hunt awaited them. These communities manipulated nature to make tools for hunting, fishing, and gathering foods from nature. It was found that certain plants had medicinal properties that aided in the healing of particular ailments. Women observed the repetition of the menstrual cycle, sometimes occurring regularly with lunar appearances.
A lunar calendar and seasonal calendar were created at such remote periods that the time frame escapes our knowledge. All of this occurred over the space of tens of thousands of years in Afrika alone, before humanity reached the other continents, and subsequently tens of thousands of years before the evolution of other races. One of the earliest and most advanced notions of mathematics came with the lunar calendar, and was likely a creation of Afrikan women. That Afrikan women were involved in science in Tawi is not doubted, they were also very important political administrators. The Kahun Medical Papyrus of approximately -1800, although not exclusively the only writing on the issue, is an ancient document that deals with treating female medical concerns.
Beeldje van Taharqa en de Falcon God, een weinig bekende god
(De inscriptie op de achterkant van de verzilverde houten voet identificeert deze roofvogel. Dit is niet de grote Horus, maar de God Hemen.)
It was from these early Afrikan civilizations that math was first employed in history. Math was essential in the development of the lunar and seasonal calendars. The Afrikan Ishango Bone with notches carved on it is a form of an early calendar, uses prime numbers, addition, and division. The bone is at least 20,000 years old, and was found near the borders of the present day DR Congo and Uganda. It is the world’s second oldest mathematical artifact. The world’s oldest mathematical artifact is the Lebombo Bone and is about 40,000 years old, and was found near the borders of Swaziland and South Afrika. The Lebombo Bone uses the same type of math as the Ishango Bone. The Gazette math article by Naidoo and Webb entitled “The Oldest Mathematical Artifact,” is often cited on this fact (1987).
It is important to note that after Afrikans migrated into Asia, the South Pacific Islands, and Europe; they remained Afrikan in phenotype (skin color) for tens of thousands of years, and some groups would later evolve into the other races we know today. What is fascinating about early Human migrations is that many of the early migrants did not evolved into other races at all. Subsequently, we can see the Afrikan populations in South-East Asia, Australia, and the South Pacific Islands. Millions of these Afrikans have been there for fifty thousand years or more.
In fact, we know from archeological evidence, that some of the early migrants into America from Asia were Afrikans. The common migratory descendants of the ancestors of Afrikans who went into the Americas from Asia can be found in South-East Asia, Australia, and the South Pacific Islands. The pioneer researcher and world traveler, Runoko Rashidi has documented this in African Classical Civilization in the chapter “Men Out of Asia: The African Presence in Prehistoric America.”The early Afrikans, parents of the Earth’s entire population created the first systems of passing knowledge to future generations through an educational system. As knowledge was acquired that was essential to the survival of these small communities, the children were given the task of learning it as soon as they were old enough to benefit the community.
In the top of the Nile Valley from where the rivers begin to develop, the base from where humanity sprang in Central-East Afrika, the communities became more and more organized into developing, complex societies by -5,000. At this time, migrants from the base of the Nile in Central-East Afrika and the Sahara began to settle in the broader Nile Valley.
Graf schilderijen
Afrikans were attracted to the Nile Valley from the Sahara as that once fertile and wet-land began to dry up. From the base of the Nile, Afrikans migrated down following the flow of the river (what we call North today). The Nile attracted Afrikan migrants because of fishing and other sources of food. The river overflowed once a year leaving a rich deposit of soil behind that was a farmers dream for planting and yielding a good harvest. Afrikans began to settle in the Nile Valley, eventually making it the most populous region of the continent by the time of dynastic Tawi.
Graf van Menna
Much of the evidence points to a massive settling of what would become Tawi from the base of the Nile. The ancients told and wrote stories of how Ausar, Aset, and Heru came from Ethiopia to settle the land and bring agriculture. The people of Tawi considered the land at the base of the Nile as their ancestral home. The four Golden Ages of Tawi were all stabilized from Pharaohs who had lineage ties to Upper Tawi/Kemet (South). The archeological discovery of the fragment from Ta-Seti shows that the Pharaoh tradition came from the South in Nubia or Kush. These early migrants developed and often brought with them into what would become Tawi (The United Two Lands of Kemet or KMT) much of the mathematics that would be the foundation of the civilization.
Pharoah African
While Kush would often rival Tawi militarily and culturally, the most advanced mathematics and architecture would crystallize in KMT due to a more conducive environment where a lot of stone and papyrus plants were available for carving and writing the language. Also, the papyrus plant was the world’s first paper. The word “paper” has its origin from the Afrikan based word “papyrus.” The papyrus plant was skinned of the green outer-core, cut into strips, laid vertically and horizontally across each other, pounded, and dried. Depending on the color, the ink and paints of many colors were made from plants, soot, and Earthen based chemicals. The colors of Kemetic ink and paint are still brilliant today after thousands of years.
Thousands of years before the settling of Tawi before -3200, the conservative date, Afrikans who migrated to the valley had agricultural and pastoral knowledge. A minimum knowledge of basic math was necessary for such communities. In agricultural one had to be able to count, divide, and as communities grew be able to figure the volume of barely and wheat in storage from season to season. A working knowledge of astronomy and the calendar became essential, and both required ongoing mathematical computation. The pastoral communities had to count the sheep, goats, and cows. A sense of division was necessary for the distribution of food. As communities grew before the founding of dynastic Tawi, the collection of taxes became important which brought many developments to Afrikan mathematics, even an early geometry with needed knowledge of land area.
The early pre-Dynastic era is essential to a correct understanding of the history of mathematics. The Nile Valley was the world’s first complex culture, before China, India, and the Tigris-Euphrates developments. It would logically be from the world’s first high complex cultures that mathematics would see its first blossoms.
Mathematics in the First Golden Age (Old Kingdom)
As the Nile Valley became more settled, and communities grew into small towns and cities, a more complex mathematical system became necessary. With all things considered, it is no surprise that by the time of the First Dynasty we see the use of mathematical place values well into the thousands. The Pharaoh Narmer (also called Mena or Menes) united Tawi (the Two-Lands or KMT) and was the founder of all the Afrikan dynasties. Of course, the concept of a pharaoh and dynasties came before Narmer from the Ta-Seti Nubia regions. The Narmer Palette, although simple, is very revealing. On the front, Narmer is wearing the White Crown of Upper Kemet or KMT as he smites one of his enemies. His name is in Mdw Ntr (hieroglyphs) above his head. Behind Narmer stands a sandal bearer with a vase of water. Below is seen his defeated enemies.
Before Narmer is the falcon symbol of Heru with a head of an enemy with 6 lotus flowers growing from an extension behind the head. The lotus flower is the place value for one thousand, and clearly the palette reads that Narmer had subdued 6,000 enemies. On the back of the palette, Narmer is seen with the Red Crown of Lower Kemet. Below are two lionesses with necks being intertwined to represent the uniting of the Two-Lands, or the beginning of the Pharaohnic era. From the Narmer palette, we see the use of high place values in math at the very beginning of dynastic Tawi -3200. It goes without saying that a complete system of values is necessary for understanding numbers as large as 6,000 and beyond.
Tawi Place Values
The Tawi/KMT place value system allowed for the understanding and manipulation of simple and complex numbers. The system was based on place value units of ten. Lines were used for the numbers 1 through 9. 10 was an opened half circle, similar to a horse shoe. 100 was an encircling rope. 1,000 was a lotus plant. 10,000 was a finger. 100,000 was a frog or tadpole.
Oude Egyptische papyrus. Neues Museum, Berlijn.
A million was a kneeling man with arms raised to heaven. This system of numbers allowed for the computations of large and small numbers. Further, the Tawi system employed a fraction/decimal system based on the different parts of the “Eye of Heru” or the Wadjat. One of the most common myths about the history of math is that the zero is an East Indian invention introduced to the world by Arabs. What culture or group of people would not understand the zero? Furthermore, in Tawi, when they wrote a number with zero as one of the place values, they very simply skipped to the next digit leaving the place for zero blank. At other times, the nefer symbol was used for zero.
Queen Tiye
The Tawi numerals, like the words in the written language, were written in three types or styles. The Mdw Ntr (hieroglyphic) type is the oldest and most common. However, in Tawi there was also the use of the two cursive scripts for writing, the hieratic and later the demotic writing style. Dr. Stephen Chrisomalsi of McGill University in Montreal recently documented how the Greeks learned their alphabetic numeral system from the Tawi demotic numeral system.
The research is available in the international journal Antiquity, and it is of great interest. On the other hand, scholars such as Diop, Yosef ben-Jochannan, and others have stressed for decades that the basis of Greek writing and learning were from Kemet. It is factual, but should not be surprising that the Greek mathematicians learned their place values and concepts of mathematics from Afrika. Dr. ben-Jochannan addresses this issue in Black Man of the Nile in a section entitled “Greek Interpretation of African and Asian Philosophy” (334-336).
Ausar<br />
The Tawi mathematical system used sacred symbols, like the Mdw Ntr (writing) system. Of course the symbols were transformed into cursive with the hieratic and demotic. The written language itself was considered sacred, being the creation of the Netcher (spirit) Djhewty, who was also said to have invented mathematics. This Netcher Djhewty was drawn as a man with the head of an ibis bird, and is one of the oldest Netchers in the Nile Valley. The Tawi writing and mathematical system is spiritually based, deeply so like the Afrikan worldview in its totality. Djhewty was the male counter-part of the Netcher Ma’at. The Netcher Ma’at was the symbol of balance, among other things. Mathematics, the word we use today comes from the Greek word “mathematikos.” Yet, the Greek word has Tawi origins in the word Ma’at which means balance and harmony. Ma’at was closely related to the weighing scales with an image of her mounted at the top-center of the scales, furthering implication of the meaning balance.
The spiritual element never absent in the Afrikan worldview, Ma’at is mostly associated with Truth and Righteousness. Numbers in Tawi had a deeply spiritual significance, aside from their very practical use in architecture, taxes, land surveying for irrigation and floods, and pure education. The scale itself is worth mention. The scale was invented in the Nile. It was accurate enough to detect the slightest differences in weights. An entire system of weights and measures were thus created due to the practice of weighing for trade, taxes, and the distribution of items. This practice of switching the amounts of weight on the scale assisted the development of algebraic thought and written equations.
The Afrikan Calendar
From the Temple of Dendera, we see a fine example of the spiritual significance of numbers and math in Tawi. In the ceiling of the Temple, before it was dynamited down by Napoleon in 1799, there was carved a circle of the heavens/universe. From this carving we see the division of the circle into 360 degrees represented by 36 decans, each being one of the Tawi 10 day weeks. The Tawi calendar was 365.25 days, in other words the calendar we use today around the world is an Afrikan calendar. The last five days in the Tawi year were festive days of celebration.
The 12 months of the year are shown in the Dendera calendar, and the 12 zodiacs are shown. Planets and stars are shown. The division of the day into 24 hours is also present on the carving. The calendar was central to the numerological-based spiritual system. At the end of the Tawi year, creation was honored in celebrating a day for what was believed to be the first people in the world Ausar, Aset, Set, Neb-Het, and Heru. The Temple is said to have been built at the very late Ptolemaic period, yet the architecture, literature, and many, many other carvings in Tawi/Kemet ensures the distinctly Afrikan creation of the Temple and the knowledge composed in it. Tony Browder’s Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization outlines the significance of the Calendar from Dendera (79). John G. Jackson discusses the calendar in his major work Introduction to African Civilizations (134-146).
Several methods of timekeeping were developed in Tawi. The solar, lunar, and stellar calendars were all used for yearly timekeeping. The tekhen (obelisk) was a timekeeping structure as well as a spiritual symbol. The very accurate water clock, an artistic bowel or cup shaped instrument with markings on it was used to tell time as the water dripped out. The water clock was used for hourly time keeping. The round and bar shaped sundial, also called shadow clocks, were both Afrikan Tawi inventions. These measured the shadow cast by the sun as it moved across the sky, like the tekhen, and were used for daily timekeeping in hours depending on the length of the shadow on the instrument. Timekeeping had been perfected in the Nile from the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, down to the second. From the drips of the water clock, the second was arrived at in concept. The year of 360 units, plus 5, was divided into the smallest unit.
Kha en Merit het dragen van parfum kegels op hun hoofd, zijn afgebeeld.
The word “hour” even comes from the Netcher Heru. It is the least to state that a high competence of mathematics was necessary for the ancient Afrikans to reach this understanding. John Pappademos has a very excellent article entitled “An Outline of Africa’s Role in the History of Physics” published in Blacks in Science by Ivan Van Sertima. Among other subjects, Pappademos explains the Afrikan contribution to timekeeping and invention of timekeeping devices.
To the Egyptians we owe the concepts of most of the fundamental physical quantities; distance, area, volume, weight, and time. Europe is indebted to Egypt for the invention of standards, units, and methods for accurate measurements of all of these quantities... they (the Egyptians) could compute the areas and volumes of abstract geometric figures, including the circle’s area accurate to 0.06% (Pappademous, 184).
Architectural Tools
Pappademous discusses the Tawi measuring ruler. The Afrikans of the Nile invented the measuring ruler and other mathematical instruments still used today. “The ancient Egyptian primary unit of length was the cubit - the length of the forearm. Thus the hieroglyphic sign for the cubit was the forearm and all subdivisions of fingers, palms, great and little spans and the foot” (186). Eventually, this system of measure would be changed into today’s units of measure. Diop notes the Afrikan measuring ruler in Civilization or Barbarism (259). Aside from the scale and ruler, Afrikans invented other instruments for architectural design still used today. The chisel, wedge, pickax, crowbar, and hammer were all used in Tawi. Afrikans in Tawi invented the A shaped square level with plumb bobs, which were wooden right angles with a string and weight hanging down the middle to create a vertical line.
The other type of level was a vertical board with two short steps extending from it on the upper half, and hanging over it was the plumb line and weight at the end. The instruments made sure architectural projects were precisely level and vertical into minute fractions of an inch, and it is obvious that they were used very early from the precision of the Great Pyramids in the Fourth Dynasty. For more detail, I refer the reader to the work of Dieter Arnold entitled Building in Egypt: Pharaonic Stone Masonry. Shown from the tomb of Sennedjem (or Sennejem), the great mathematician and architect of the 19th Dynasty under the Pharaohs Seti and Rameses the Great, the wooden right angle, or “builder’s square,” was used without a line on it for design and architecture. Again, this is another instrument common still today.
Temple of Dendera
A modified square level/plumb bob called the groma or gruma (sometimes called a surveyor’s cross today) was invented in Tawi. The surveyor’s cross was used to survey and plot large areas of land into equal distributions, as it is used in construction and land surveying today with the square level. Another modification with the plumb line was used for astronomical observations. The Greeks and Romans learned to survey land from being in the Nile Valley, and they used the Afrikan tools for the same purposes.
Although only a very limited part of the book addresses Afrikan mathematics, David E. Smith’s History of Mathematics is worth mention. He notes the Roman use of the groma, without mention of its origins (124). Smith notes “groma” is from the word “gnomon,” a distinctly KMT (or Mdw Ntr) word. The Greeks called shadow clocks or sundials gnomons, after witnessing the use of the devices in Kemet. The Romans would also learn of the use of this Afrikan instrument, which eventually led to today’s clocks. Smith says, “Whatever claims may properly be made for the antiquity of mathematics in various countries, claims of even greater validity can justly be made for the science in Egypt” (41). Smith notes census taking (or population counting) for taxation in Kemet, the plumb line in astronomical observations, discusses the Ahmose Mathematical Papyrus, and the sundial (46-50). The plain wooden right angles were useful in construction, and were a common tool in building as many paintings of Afrikan life show us from the Nile.
The Afrikans used rope on land measurements, sometimes knotted, rolled on a wooden handle for the same purposes that measuring tape is used today. The ropes were likely not used on buildings where more precise calculations were arrived. Yet, discoveries of some of these ancient ropes reveal another of many examples of the Theorem wrongly attributed to Pythagoras. For land surveying, the Afrikans would make a 3-4-5 right triangle, or one with lengths of the sides distributed along the numbers 3, 4, and 5. The 3-4-5 triangle is the very foundation of the formula a2+b2=c2 where a and b squared are the sides of a right triangle and c is the hypotenuse squared opposite the right angle, which is the Theorem (Tawi Theorem). James Newman, who also has a very limited study of Afrikan mathematics, states, “But the Egyptian skill in practical geometry went far beyond the construction of right angles: for it included, besides the angles of a square, the angles of other regular figures such as the pentagon, the hexagon and the heptagon” (The World of Mathematics, 80). From Kemetic geometry and architecture we can see the origins of all of the so-called Platonic solids, and need we not forget that Plato studied in Kemet for over a decade.
De Drie Koningen
Architecture and Mathematics
Although not used for timekeeping, but reflecting a high level of architectural and mathematical knowledge are the massive Afrikan columns. They came into use during the Old Kingdom period, and not only influenced architecture in Greece and Rome, but all around the world. One can go to Washington DC, Rome, and many other places to witness the Afrikan KMT influence on world architecture. It is astounding to realize that the Afrikans of Kemet/Tawi frequently moved carefully sculptured stones weighing tons with relative ease using no modern construction technology equipment. Some people even believe that Europeans or aliens built the KMT/Tawi monuments. Others argue that Tawi was a slave based culture and Hebrew slaves built the pyramids and monuments. All claims are ridiculous. The monuments of Tawi were built by skill, genius, and precision of Afrikan mathematical-scientific architects and paid workers.
This is known because the burial sites of architects have been found. There are also paintings of Afrikans constructing monuments and moving enormous statues. Use of sledges, levers, rockers, ropes, rollers, ramps, man and animal power for pulling and pushing guided with a sound understanding of mathematics, geometry, and physics by supervisors got the work done. The wheel had very limited use in Tawi. It was attached to the base of a scaffolding ladder, the type that would have been used to carve and paint images hundreds of feet in the air on monuments. The wheels would be locked once the scaffold was in place (see Lumpkin’s “The Pyramids: Ancient Showcase of African Science and Technology” in Black in Science, edited by Van Sertima, 80 and 81).
(Detail van de troon van Toetanchamon. We zien hier Koning Toetanchamon en zijn vrouw Anchesenpaaton.)
The Afrikans of Tawi made blueprints before they undertook building projects. This was a revolutionary idea in architecture, and it seems that the Afrikans of Tawi never undertook building projects without at least an external blueprint on grid of the design to be built. The land was studied, labor was divided, and material was selected. Experienced professionals in mathematics and architecture worked for the state who supervised the building. These architects became very well-known in their times and enjoyed frequent company with the Pharaoh.
As Pappademos notes, because of the burning of the Library of Alexandria, looting and plundering throughout Tawi over the years, we do not know the names of these very important figures in Afrikan history (Blacks in Science, 183). Senmut or Senenmut, Sennedjem, and Imhotep are exceptions.
Menes Narmer
Senenmut’s most famous building project was the burial Temple of the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut. It was cut with great precision out of the side of a rock mountain. The Afrikans had tools (non-electric) used to break and chisel away large amounts of rocks. They also possessed metal and stone tools (non-electric) used to cut and drill through stones. The remains of cut and drilled stones can be seen today. Imhotep of the Third Dynasty of Tawi was the most well-known of all architects. Without doubt, the architects of the Great Pyramids must have received as much acclaim or more in their lifetimes and afterwards. Imhotep was employed under the reign of the Pharaoh Djoser. Imhotep revolutionized building in the ancient world.
Mastabas, some made in mudbricks and others in stones, were used as burial chambers. Imhotep built a series of mastabas on top of each other. From an architectural tradition founded by the culture to which he belonged, and his ancestors, Imhotep built the first stone high-rise in the world. His Step Pyramid for Djoser stood over 200 feet in the air. It was complete with buildings near it, underground chambers, and a massive wall enclosing the entire complex. Imhotep was not of royal birth, but he was deified for thousands of years after his physical death.
The architect(s) of Amenemhet III built a labyrinth during his near five decade reign. This labyrinth was the largest building in ancient history. It was reported to have 3,000 rooms with 1,500 being below ground and 1,500 being above ground. The building does not stand today, but the architect(s) must have been treated with great admiration. The most impressive and mathematically accurate pyramids are the Great Pyramids. There are three of them on the Giza plateau built for the Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkare of the Fourth Dynasty about 5,000 years ago. The largest pyramid is the one dedicated to Khufu, rising nearly 500 feet with an enormous 13 acre base. With perfect right angles, directed one degree from true North, sides facing the cardinal direction, with over 2 million massive stones weighing an average of 2.5 tons, the Great Pyramid is a mathematical and scientific wonder.
All of the pyramids were completely enclosed in polished limestones weighing tons themselves and positioned to incorporate what is erroneously called the “Pythagorean” Theorem over 2,000 years before Pythagoras was born. I think it best if it is referred to as the KMT or Tawi Theorem! The Great Pyramid is supposedly the only of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world still standing, but in Kemet there are many wonders of the ancient world still standing. As much as Kemet/Tawi fascinates the present day world, it did more with the ancient world. Scholars from throughout the ancient world thirsted for the deep fountains of knowledge in this Afrikan land. The Afrikans of Tawi dazzled themselves and others. Consider the following:
Garden design and town planning are other aspects of Egyptian architecture. The Egyptians had a great fondness for gardens. Even the poor managed to plant a tree or two in the narrow courtyards of their houses. When they were rich, their gardens rivaled their residences in size and luxury. The garden was arranged around the [manmade] pool or pools, for there could be several of them. They served as fish ponds, as reservoirs for watering and as a source of cooling fresh air for the house near by. Frequently, the master of the house had a light wooden pavilion built near the pool where he [or she] could come for a breath of fresh air in the evening and receive friends for cold drinks (UNESCO, VII, 114-115).
Some of these pools, such as the ones built during the reigns of Amenhotep III and Snefru (Senefru), were large enough to sail a boat on with a crew during moments of leisure. At least some Pharaohs would build pools and lakes for their queens.
(Noord-Afrika in Illinois 40 na Christus "Caligula wilde de Mauritaanse treasury, waarom hij had koning Ptolemaeus vermoord. Het werd dat een van de voornaamste doelstellingen van de invasie gelanceerd door Claudius kort daarna. werd Maar de Romeinen nooit kunnen vinden." door Frank Joseph Schatkamer op )
Afrikan Mathematical Documents
A fraction of a percent of the writing on papyrus has survived the ruins of time and bandits. Yet, what has come down to us is of great interest and challenging to the current understanding of the disciplines of learning. Afrikan papyrus documents in science, literature, medicine, and mathematics have leaped forward in time to destroy the myths about European supremacy in thought, intellect, and education. Among the most interesting documents found in Tawi is the Ahmose Mathematical Papyrus from the 15th Dynasty, and it is the most detailed discovery in Tawi math. The scribe and mathematician Ahmose stated that he was not the author of the document, but that it was a work from his ancestors in the 12th Dynasty 200 years prior to his time. Still, from the writing of the text, it is clear that parts of it were from the time of the Great Pyramids when such mathematics would have been essential for such building projects.
This act of not claiming authorship was a common practice among writers in KMT (Tawi, Kemet). They did not claim authorship, but gave the credit of their writings to the ancestors. The Ahmose Mathematical Papyrus is approximately dated at -2,000, or about 4,000 years old. It is the world’s oldest mathematical textbook to date. Charles Finch describes the papyrus as the world’s foundation text in mathematical science. A second and very important document is the “Moscow” Mathematical Papyrus, named as such because it is in a Moscow museum. The name of the scribe-mathematician is not known. It is not as complete as the Ahmose text, but is of great importance in the world’s history of mathematics. It dates to the Middle Kingdom or the Third Golden Age. Both documents are between -2000 and -1750.
In Civilization or Barbarism by Cheikh Anta Diop, a chapter entitled “Africa’s Contribution: Science,” there is some detailed information about the Afrikan foundations to mathematics and the Afrikan methods and formulas used to solve problems. Primarily, Diop uses information about the Ahmose and “Moscow” papyri. Diop takes a close look at Tawi arithmetic, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and other related areas. I recommend this section of his cornerstone work for further study. Diop references T. Eric Peet’s “A Problem in Egyptian Geometry” in the Journal of Egyptian Archeology; Peet’s The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus; RJ Gilling’s Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs; and other interesting works that he does not hesitate to critique.
In Kemet, the mathematicians were very accustomed to working with fractions/decimals, unknown variables, square roots, equations, and irrational numbers. They had formulas for solving the areas of squares, triangles, circles, quadrants of circles, and surface of spheres. They had formulas to figure out the volumes of pyramids, truncated pyramids, and various geometric shapes. Diop does an excellent work in showing where the Greeks derived their methods in mathematics. Diop also deals with astronomy, medicine, chemistry, and other subjects.
A very excellent article by Beatrice Lumpkin can be found in Egypt: Child of Africa, edited by Ivan Van Sertima. The article is entitled “Mathematics and Engineering in the Nile Valley.” She notes that the use of the grid for architectural design and art began in Kemet. The use of the square grid in KMT (Tawi, Kemet) before the design was drawn was obviously to ensure accurate proportions and measurements in the actual building project. Lumpkin not only makes note of Tawi fractions, arithmetic, geometry, and trigonometry; but she also makes note of a problem by Ahmose in which a method of “Aha Calculus” is
used to find an answer to an equation with the “false position” method. Lumpkin sites her own work, Senefer and Hatshepsut in noting the development of the Kemetic/Tawi Theorem of right angles, wrongly associated with Pythagoras who studied in the Afrikan Nile for over two decades. She also notes that the Arabs introduced knowledge into Europe that they had acquired from Afrika, directly and indirectly. In her conclusion, Lumpkin sums up the significance of her work, and the significance of why we Afrikan people must recover the mathematical genius introduced into the world by our ancestors. She says:
Now suppressed, this [mathematical and scientific] genius will be free to produce again when there will be peace and freedom from imperialist oppression. Here, the true history of the achievements of the Nile Valley civilization can play a liberating role by restoring the sense of continuity and identity with a great past, pointing to a great future. In particular, knowledge of the mathematical achievements can help allay “math anxiety” among the descendents of the Nile Valley people in Africa and in the Americas (339).
Elementary to university level education is the only way such basic to advanced methods were taught to children and adults in Tawi/Kemet. This classical Afrikan nation had a literate culture, and education was not limited to the priestly or royal as so many have erroneously claimed. Jacob Carruthers discusses Kemetic education in the essay “African-Centered Education” of the work Intellectual Warfare (257-259). Asa Hilliard has two essays on the Afrikan University of Waset in Kemet. One essay is in The Maroon Within US and the other is published by the Journal of African Civilization in Egypt Revisted, and is entitled “Waset, the Eye of Ra and the Abode of Maat.” Kemet was the world’s first librarian culture with institutions at Waset (Thebes) and many of the other cities along the Nile. Tawi/Kemet, the Two-Lands, was also the world’s first university based culture. Much of the physical structure of the university of Ipet Isut in Waset dates to the New Kingdom around -1550, or 3,550 years ago.
Yet, the foundations of all the subject areas studied at Ipet Isut were thousands of years older than the physical building, as Hilliard notes. The University/Temple of Ipet Isut was a center of the nation’s network of educational institutions, many of the past shadows of which can be seen today. Mathematics was a central part to the Nile Valley educational system. All children were required to learn the basic education, and depending on one’s occupation, one would learn more a certain areas of learning. Math was not only studied as an abstracted subject, but was relevant to the Afrikan understanding of not only the universe, but also the soul. That’s why such meticulous care was given to the construction of temples, monuments, and pyramids.
Portret studie van een man. Nieuwe Koninkrijk. Dynastie 18, rond 1340 v. Chr.
These architectural structures were built on Afrikan Spiritual principles of time and dimensions transmitted down thousands of years by the ancestors. Math was part of Maat, or balancing the person and the person’s inner self. Maat, in the company of Djhewty, was central to balancing the community and the nation. The physical structures built by Afrikans were meant to reflect the soul of the people and divinity of the spirit world.
As Beatrice Lumpkin stated, understanding the true history of Afrikan mathematics will be liberating. Afrikan children, and adults, taught mathematics through the historical and cultural lenses of their reality will not only do better academically; mathematics properly taught to Afrikan people will direct us to the great significance of the subject. Math is essential in the building of an economy or economies, or a nation or nations.
Scènes uit het graf van Perneb. Dynastie 5, regeert van Isesi en Unis (ca.2381-2323 v. Chr.)
This is why we must abandon the false methods of teaching and learning mathematics that have been common for too long, that have failed many of our children for too long. A new learning process must take place for the student and the teacher. With teachers grounded in Afrikan mathematics, the subject must be introduced to our children with the understanding that their ancestors are the people who gave math to the world. This is of central importance at the K-12 grade levels. The beginning of any mathematics class should include the Afrikan background to the subject. Separate classes from high school to the university should deal specifically with the Afrikan foundations of mathematical science and other disciplines of learning. Any class on math, properly taught, would in a number of areas deal with the Afrikan background, directly or indirectly. Any class taught on mathematics must take some time to correct many of the false concepts that have been so ingrained in the minds of students and teachers. We must also remember that in all subjects, as our ancestors along the Nile understood, learning is not only for the mind but also the soul.
When Afrikan children are taught the true foundations of the subject, they will excel beyond our expectations. The study of history is not only so that we may feel of significance about our past, but more importantly to look to the great examples of what we are capable of achieving today and in the future. Afrikans built the foremost civilization in the ancient world, a righteous and moral based civilization, and Afrikan people have the capacity to do no less today.
WHAT I FIND so striking:
.1. Why would a nation that light or low pigmentation of skin color themselves differently in a darker skin color to portray??
.2. Why did the Novels/Romans change the name Alkebulan to Africa?
The name "Africa" was invented and used by the Romans, but they had no idea how big the continent was. They used the name to refer to their small area around Carthage.
Like all methods of manipulation to the Romans sought Completely disconnect the indigenous Afrikans with Their culture, deities, and knowledge. Could this only be done successfully by renaming all the typical archetypical icons, thereby disconnecting the significance, Meaning, and sacred ness from Any specific archetype. Three excellent examples are The Kaballah in Mecca, Christianity, and the word Tekken. Kaballah breaks down writing Khemetic Ka = spirit, Ba = Body, and God or The Creator or Creative Source. Which Christianity is the youngest religion Essentially Khemitic patterned after The Trinity or (Ausar, Auset, and Haru) Now the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. The Greeks changed thesis original names to Osiris, Isis, and Horus. The change in language HAS to be Understood by the interpreter, not by the indigenous people, as well, the change Allows a complete disconnection after a few generations, the original-meaning people no longer see the significance since Will Not be in Their language usage, They understand the connections nor compromise in the language to the cultural icon.
This is why everytime assimilates a powerful cultural icon from another culture, and after a few generations Their culture presumes Originated this concept or idea. With Asians and the word Tekken, Which means "iron fist" Comes from the derivitive, or Khem ancient Egypt again as it is now called. The Greeks refer to the icon as an obelisk, but the indigenous Afrikans called it Tekhen or Tekhenry. The Tekhen represented Asar and his Resurrection. The Tekhen the phallus represents entry Which was errect When recieved Auset and Asar from the whole seed or Conceived Haru or begat Horus. If one is knowledgable about or Nei Kung Chi Kung or Qi Gong, then They Know The Connection Between an errect phallus and the iron fist. You can not have one without the Other since the cultivation of the sexual energy Causes the by-product of the iron fist and errect phallus. Only if the language is studied do the context and meaning become clear. It Would be no differentiation from a spanish speaking person talking with a non-spanish speaking person who tries to mirror the speech but can not get the complete Meaning becuase They do not speak the language and do not posses the iconic cultural symbols and meaning That intergrate with That specific culture. Linguistics, Semantics, and Phonetics are Dismissed Usually, but Will Always hold the key to the truth. Zecharia Sitchin here with attestation to that.
The Romans Were engaging in a coverup, "America" was Known As Paradise and Its Original Indigenous Olmec particular was "the Land of the Spirit of the Creator) or Afu Ra Ka. Cristobol After the Roman pope They covered up that would take Indigenous Peoples from 'North, South, and Central "" Africa "to be branded negro. The Remaining Inhabitants Were Either branded Indian and Negro, the continent was then renamed" America "because it was the last stronghold of the Moors / types of walls / Mohr and one of the sources of Their Wealth.
The novels Were addicted to the drug-Being Given to them by the Macedonian and Khemites Such as sugar, kaffee, KA-Ko (cocaine). Like everytime Junkie They wanted control of the main supply! The Roman Inquisition and the Christian Black Codes of 1724 codified a caste system based on Crayons Black, Brown, Yellow, White, Red, Pink, Grey Capitalize all by an adjective! In order to secure all the resources in the physical and natural Colonies. The corporate fiction was created in order to have power without responsiblity. In Those contries Conquered backward thinking, knowledge backward, and backward understanding was reinforced. Why else Would an 'adult' Believe That John A. DOE is the Same as John A. Do?
Look, nationality has to do with Natal, and if you do not know that this land is your land, you can not claim your birthright! Listen, maybe we'll have to forgive you for slavery, and imprisoned Ethiopians, such as lynching and verbrandin. Rome still hid behind the fabrication, making himself the truth! After a long period of study and observation of images and image prints from the distant past of Egypt, then to me always a strange feeling. A feeling that reminds me of image distortion. Whether one sees often in important details surrounding damage.
Note to self, usually at nose and lips. While all the recent and clear-looking images with pointed noses, (a pointed nose is more fragile than a flat nose) and not black eyes or in branch?
I am a painter, not for my job but just a hobby, the knowledge of color and dyeing processes for me has long ceased mystery anymore. Air, Moisture, Light and Darkness, the elements that determine any object or matter on this earth. It is exactly the same color can blend to create, through some of the same material gebriuken, and ground into powder and paint there again a basis to makem. But we often forget that we fail to replicate after the natural elements. We can not fool nature. And if we do, then the natural way our body blow the whistle.
See the pictures below, a few images for comparison for suspected manipulation of images and colors.
And even creating their own images in order to confirm the theory lie Some images can be seen that the chisel is not the same technique used to produce images.
koning Sesostris I. Dynasty 5. Around 1950 BC.
Oude Koninkrijk. Dynastie 5. Ongeveer 2400 v.Chr.
Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
farao Achnaton. Detail. Nieuwe Koninkrijk. Dynastie 18, omstreeks 1345 v. Chr.
The material that I want to show, is depicted above and below.
Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
wig fashion in the Middle Ages. Why do curly hair on the head if they did not by birth?
Because the elite upper class who had the power in those times they did so.
And why?
I do have my own thoughts about it but still can not really show.
I hope one day that the private collectors all Illegal objects found in Egypt ever people will want to show
Madame Francois Buron. Detail. 1769. Na haar vaders dood.
Alba and the United Scotland
Alba is the ancient and modern Gaelic name for the country of Scotland.
Kenneth MacAlpin (c. 810 - 858; Cinaed mac Ailpin) was king of the Picts and the first king of Scotland.
The myth called 'MacAlpin's Treason' tells how Alba was born when the Dalriadan Kenneth MacAlpin conquered the Picts. However, modern studies dispute Kenneth's Dalriadan roots and consider Kenneth and his successors to be Pictish Kings. Kenneth's son Constantine had the 'Series Longoir' written to show his family's claim to the throne of a united Pictland. The triumph of Gaelic over Pictish and the change from Pictland to Alba is placed in the half-century reign of Constantine mac Aeda. The reasons are not known.
At first this new kingdom corresponded to Scotland north of the Rivers Forth and Clyde. Southwest Scotland remained under the control of the Strathclyde Britons. Southeast Scotland was under the control from around 638 CE of the proto-English kingdom of Bernicia, then of the Kingdom of Northumbria. This portion of Scotland was contested from the time of Constantine II and finally fell into Scottish hands in 1018, when Malcolm II pushed the border as far south as the River Tweed. This remains the south-eastern border to this day (except around Berwick-upon-Tweed).
Scotland, in the geographical sense it has retained for nearly a millennium, completed its expansion by the gradual incorporation of the Britons' kingdom of Strathclyde into Alba. In 1034, Duncan I, who had been appointed to the (Briton) Crown of Strathclyde some years earlier, inherited Alba from his maternal grandfather, Malcolm II. With the exception of Orkney, the Western Isles, Caithness and Sutherland, which had come under the sway of the Norse, Scotland stood unified.
Macbeth, the 'Cenel Loairn' candidate for the throne whose family had been suppressed by Malcolm II, defeated Duncan in battle in 1040. Macbeth then ruled for seventeen years before Duncan's son Malcolm III, more commonly known as Malcolm Canmore (Scottish Gaelic: Ceann mor meaning 'Big Head'), overthrew him and, after killing his step-son Lulach, became king.
The Black Scots
A curious aspect of this early history concerns various stories around Kenneth.
King Kenneth was also known as 'Kenneth the Niger' or Kenneth Dubh, a surname which means 'the black man'. It is a matter of history that many seafaring warriors were North African, travelled via Iberia into Europe, and joined in many cultures and held power and position. Niger Val Dubh lived and reigned over certain black divisions in Scotland, and some histories state that a race known as 'the sons of the blacks' succeeded him. (e.g. see JA Rogers, Sex and Race).
Kenneth III was king of Scotland from 997 to 1005. He was the son of King Dubh (Dub mac Mail Choluim - 962-967), fourth cousin of the previous king Constantine III, and first cousin of his successor Malcolm II. Kenneth was the last king of Scotland to succeed to the throne through the tanistry system, whereby the succession was shared between two family lines and the dying king named his successor from the other family line. This system led to constant struggle between the ruling families and was abandoned. Kenneth and his son Giric were both killed at Monzievaird, Tayside in 1005. His first cousin Malcolm succeeded him and abolished the tanistry system by killing all of his male descendants. However Kenneth had a granddaughter, Gruoch, via his daughter Boite, whose first husband was Gillacomgain. They had a son called Lulach. She then married King Macbeth I of Scotland (becoming Lady Macbeth). On the death of Macbeth her son via her first marriage, Kenneth III's great grandson, succeeded to the throne, to become King Lulach of Scotland. According to this history, the blood of Kenneth flows through the royal houses of Scotland.
Whether Dubh meant black or dark, as in north-African / southern-European, we may never know for sure. But the story captures a curious fact about the Gaels from Gallicia - some were dark and have left many traces in Irish, Welsh and Scots clans.
The money I would like to collect for the real help to people in need. I would like to go myself to the people to see what they really need, so that I can try to help those peoples in their lives need. And not that much of the money stick around in the organization "for what anyway?" Provide assistance to everyone around the world, and also in Eruopa there hungry! I see the pain and embarrassment of all these families. If the Rich complain, it is the poor who are suffering.
Bank acaunt: 887175651
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See here Other site links:
The History and Science
.1. Exactly Who or What is a Jew?
.2. Old Man and His First Civilizations.
.4. Deception and Ignorance.
.5. :Rozenstein: For our surnames that come from...
.7. Mental Confusion.
.8. Why are black genes so dominant?
.9. Africans in Renaissance Europe.
The Treu Lost Tribes of Israel...
In Lies We Trust?
Stop forcing the wrong direction of religion on your children!
Scientific Racism
See here Other site links:
Charlotte van Mecklenburg-StrelitzCharlotte van Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
The real sons of Solomon IIThe real sons of Solomon II.
Bilal ibn Rabah (Arabisch: بلال بن رباح) van Bilal al-Habashi (AD 580 TOT 640).
Is Mohammeds vermoord?Was the death of Muhammad a natural death?
De wolf in schapen vachtThe wolf in sheepskin.
The origins of the KKK shrouded in mystery.
An old legend of scotland
The Illuminati
Who is behind all the troubles.. we know Black Chinese people is cheap Egad you say, is nothing sacred anymore? No, not when it comes to the truth! why is there hunger in the world? The truth about Tel your leis visions! Only for 18 +
.10..Goelag-systeemThe world Gulag Revolution
.12.awora.blogspot.comNobody wants to be black but own ...
.13. (Europe (ancient Rome) conquered by Africans)
Blacks in Persian Gulf (AFRO AFRO-Iraqis and Iranians)
.15.Discovery of Suriname
.16.The Black in Europe in 50 BC to fight the Germanic peoples
.17.The Golden Ring in the Blackamoor's Ear Part1
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